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We Remember Our Ancestors





Forwarded From Trenton Donauschwaben




          It’s been 30 years since the late Peter Kiss initiated services at our club’s large memorial at Our Lady of Lourdes cemetery near Trenton. That inaugural event followed a long and arduous process led by Peter to fund the purchase of a large 20’ x 10’ plot and three granite monuments engraved with text and victims’ names. It would surely please Herr Kiss to know that three decades later the memorial service remains a vital and well-attended happening on the club’s yearly calendar.


          Held each All Soul’s Day, the event recalls the tragic history of the Donauschwaben in the aftermath of WWII. White crosses with names of the many concentration camps are placed around the monuments as a stark reminder of what happens when hatred, vengeance and opportunism collide. The well manicured memorial stands as a silent witness to the horrors of so many years ago. Through prayer, song and ritual, almost 40 members and friends gathered this past November 1st to insure that those who lost their lives were not forgotten. Among other things, the service featured remarks by Andy Franz as well as a poem recitation by Eva Martini, both survivors of this terrible time period.


          Our youngest generation was also on hand to lead the crowd in prayers, they included Brittaney, Mary, Luisa & Christina. Luisa also read a passage from the German language bible entitled “Der Herr ist mein Hirte” and sang the Donauschwaben Volkshymne.  It was all most meaningful and well received. Many then returned to the club for complimentary coffee and cake to end the afternoon in a most enjoyable manner.  We’re happy to report that the event continues to enjoy excellent support from our own club as well as from members of the German American Society and from the Philly DS. In fact, the numbers have been growing over the past few years. It is also very reassuring that every age group is well represented as it bodes well for the future of this important club undertaking.  We look forward to seeing you there next year.





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