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Song History

"Donauschwaben Kindes-Kinder"



Dietrich-Kolupar Hochzeit und Schilcher Krainer

Left to Right: Emil Krt, Gerry Zoechbauer, Janez Krt, Vani Zalokar,

Thomas Dietrich-Kolupar, Heidi Dietrich-Kolupar, Willi Possert


 June 2009

    For the past six month everyone is talking about a song that reflects the culture and history of the Donauschwaben.  However, nobody really knows its origin and who wrote it.  This article will reveal the background of the song "Donauschwaben Kindes-Kinder.

     The tune is in waltz form.  It contains touching lyrics that reflect the world-wide distribution of the Donauschwaben people and their spiritual ties.    Read the refrain:


“Wir sind Donauschwaben-Kindeskinder erzählen heute noch was früher war.

Zerstreut auf viele Länder dieser Erde,  doch im Herzen sind wir uns sehr nah.  

Wir sind Donauschwaben-Kindeskinder -Instr

Egal  auf welchem Fleck auf dieser Erde -doch im Herzen sind wir uns sehr nah.“


    The song and lyrics were written by the bandleader of the “Schilcher Krainer”, Willi Possert.  He was born in Austria.  However, he lives now with his family in Switzerland.  This is just a few minutes away from the hometown of Thomas Dietrich.

    Thomas and his wife Heidi Dietrich-Kolupar (who is a member of the United Donauschwaben of Milwaukee) were planning their wedding.  They asked Willi if he and his band would travel to the US and perform at their wedding reception.  As they were discussing the event, Heidi reveaked her Donauschwäbischer background and heritage.  Immeditately, Willi remembered his own Donauschwäbische roots.  That inspired him to do some historical research of the Donauschwaben.  As a special gift he then wrote the song “Donauschwaben Kindes Kinder”.   The “Schilcher Krainer” recorded it especially for Heidi and Thomas’ wedding.

    In Willi's own words: 

    “Die Motivation war einerseits die Schilderungen wie die Donauschwaben in den USA ihre Bräuche pflegen und anderseits meine Nachforschungen die ich machen musste um ein wahrheitsgetreues Lied komponieren zu können.“


If you are interested in hearing the whole song, then log on to  


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You can also visit the website of Willis Schilcher Krainer at:

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